Sunday 21 August 2016

New Job: Am I ready to Adult?

Tomorrow marks the start of my first job since leaving university, I can't wait to start, mainly because I will be working for an amazing charity, but at the same time I am petrified;

What will be expected of me?
Will I be able to get up everyday for work? Will I always be late?

Is this a big step from what I know from being a student?
Will people I am working with like me?

101 thoughts are currently whizzing through my mind, I wish I had the answers to them, but I don't think I ever will. Change is hard, but change is also exciting. This is a fresh start and a chance to do something I am really passionate about. I need to learn to embrace it instead of fearing it.

Yes I may not be able to nap whenever I want (the biggest drawback and the main reason I don't want to adult!) but just think my weekends will be mine, no more heading to the library to do university work, the stresses of work can be left at work. Something which is very new to me! Maybe this chapter of my life is going to work out ok, if I try and see the positives to this change and growing up and having an ADULT job - I know right no more student Grace.

Have you got any tips for starting a new job? If so please let me know! (I really need them haha). Lets hope I get a good night sleep tonight because the rollercoaster begins!

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