Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Plymouth: My Special Place

Plymouth has been my home for four years now, from a wide eyed fresher to the graduate student I am today.

Shocked,  the end has finally come and I am full of feelings of uncertainty. So much change as I transition from a student to a graduate with a job (yes I managed to get a job!). Not only am I starting a new chapter in my life, I have to say goodbye to all that I know; the place that has been my home for the past four years, student life and unfortunately all my amazing university friends who have of course made my four years incredible.

Plymouth is a beautiful city with the hoe, barbican and city centre on our doorsteps we are spoilt for choice - making fun days out with my uni friends those that I will remember forever.

However, what I have to keep telling myself is that I am lucky to have had the best (yet the hardest four years of my life) time at university and no one can take these four years away from me. They have developed me into the person I am today. Plymouth is not going anywhere, yes I will not own a house here but I can always visit - anyone fancy it?

Mostly importantly the beautiful friendships I have created are to stay, despite being separated I will keep in contact with my closest friends and hope to arrange regular meet ups. Yes it wont be the same as being down the road from each other, but I know its possible, we can make it work (my best friend graduated last year and I still speak and see her all the time). If you want to keep in contact you will! 

So here is to the future and I cant wait to see what is in store for the future. Not only for myself but the amazing people I have met during my time at Plymouth University. 

Plymouth will always be a place that I call home and will forever have a place in my heart. 


  1. What a beautifully written post Grace, you don't have anything to worry about when it comes to writing :)

    Good luck in your new job and I'm sure you'll be amazing! Here's to your next new chapter! <3 xxx

  2. Thank you very much Anna means a lot! - to the future hey!xxx
