Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Hands on Heart - I did not Think I would Make This Far

Four years on, four years of fun, tears, stress and making the best memories.

Its over, I have done it, I am leaving university, I have completed my degree. 

So many times I thought I would never see this day, hitting so many brick walls with uni work, being surrounded by piles of text books, sleepless nights, never ending days of revision, a mountain of pieces of coursework to complete. Alongside with too many days led in bed crying, sitting on the floor of the toilet before my exam being too anxious to get out, having to take time out and not being able to sit my exams in my second year due to my depression and anxiety, to almost dropping out. You name it - stress has made me do it.

University is not easy but I can now honestly say despite all the odds it is possible.

 Not only am I graduating, I am graduating with a First Class degree which I could not be happier about, all the hard work and tears are finally worth it.

However, this is not a post to big myself up. This outcome has only been possible to my amazing support network; mum, family, friends, counsellor and doctors. Thank you for always believing in me and telling me I could do it, that I am capable, even when I highly doubted you. Honestly, you will never understand how much those little words of encouragement meant to me, on the days when I had the worst thoughts going through my head you made me see the light.

Many people say you are away from your support network when you got to university, but I honestly think I found mine. It really is true what they say university friends do slowly become family. They see you everyday, notice the changes when things are not ok and are there for you when things just get a little bit too much. University is not easy so you help each other out, proving to each other that finishing a degree is possible no matter how hard it feels at the time. Not only am I graduating but so are/have my amazing friends.

Please never doubt yourself, because it is possible and we are living proof of that. 


  1. You really are living proof Grace! Well done on such an incredible achievement! xxxx

  2. Thank you - I am still shocked myself. Just hope this lets others know that they really can do it xxx
