Thursday, 27 October 2016

My Blogging Break

Firstly I would like to massively apologise for not posting for the past month, I did not even decide to take a break from blogging but life happened and unfortunately I neglected this blog.

Alot has happened since I started blogging; I have graduated from university, I have started a new job and I have moved to a new town. This combination has left me with no time for blogging which I am very upset about. As I settle into my new life this is something I want to return back too. However, I am tweeting frequently on my blog twitter to update you all on what I have been up to. I was also honoured to take part in #TalkMH on the topic of medication a few weeks ago.

Please say grace has got her blogging game back!

I have been struggling a bit recently and all this change has been a bit too much. However, I had an amazing realisation tonight - how therapeutic this blog was for me so I am hoping to up my game and continue to share my journey and experiences with you. In the next couple of weeks you'll see; a blog about me graduating, a blog on #TalkMH, a blog post about my friends finding out about my blog and another mental health related blog (keep your eyes peeled!).

I hope you understand and I am sorry for being so rubbish on the blogging front.

Have you ever decided to have a blogging break? How can I get my blogging mojo back? Please comment below.